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We plan to maintain a comprehensive Wiki, but we are not quite there yet as we are newly founded, so Wikipedia is also a good starting point to learning more.
“ There's a sense in which all taxes are antagonistic to free enterprise... and yet we need taxes. We have to recognise that we must not hope for a Utopia that is unobtainable. I would like to see a great deal less government activity than we have now, but i do not believe that we can have a situation in which we dont need government at all. We do need to provide for certain essential government functions: the national defence functions, the police function, preserving law and order, maintaining a judiciary. So the question is, which are the least bad taxes?
In my opinion the least bad tax is the property tax on the unimproved value of land, the Henry George argument of many, many years ago. ”
“ Men like Henry George are rare unfortunately. One cannot imagine a more beautiful combination of intellectual keenness, artistic form and fervent love of justice. Every line is written as if for our generation. The spread of these works is a really deserving cause, for our generation especially has many and important things to learn from Henry George. It almost seems to me as if you had no conception to what high degree the work of Henry George is appreciated by serious thinking people. ”
“ Try not to become a man of success but rather a man of value ”
“ In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity. ”
“ We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. ”
“This sin can be undone, not by political reform, nor Socialist schemes for the future, not by revolution in the present, and still less by philanthropic assistance or governmental organisation for the purchase and distribution of land amongst the peasants... The method of solving the land problem has been elaborated by Henry George to a degree of perfection that under the existing state organisation and compulsory taxation, it is impossible to invent any better, more just, practical and peaceful solution. ”
“ Buy land, they're not making it anymore. ”
“ The earth belongs to the people, i believe in the gospel of the single tax. ”
“ Loyalty to country always. Loyalty to government, when it deserves it. ”
“ I am an anti-imperialist. I am opposed to having the eagle put it's talons on any other land. ”
“George is the apostle of individualism; he teaches the ethical basis of private property; he stresses the function of capital in advancing civilization he emphasises the greater productivity of voluntary cooperation in a free market economy, the moral degeneration of a people subjected to state direction and socialistic conformity. His is the philosophy of free enterprise, free trade, free men. ”
“There is no moral authority for government other than to enforce the Universal Ethic. ”
“ When the land rent is distributed equally among the people, and when there is no legal restriction or imposed cost on peaceful and honest enterprise, nor on the consumption of goods, then a basic income from rent, plus the easy ability to become self-employed, prevents firm owners from exploiting workers, and prevents landlords from becoming housing tyrants. ”
“ All acts, and only those acts, that coercively harm others are evil. ”